St Luke’s Parish has many volunteers who assist with various ministries in the Parish. Below is information on just some of the liturgical ministries in the Parish. Unless otherwise stated ministers are rostered on a monthly basis.
If you would to become involved in one of these ministries please contact the Parish Office on 0467 775 862. Please note that some ministries may require the volunteer to obtain a Queensland Blue Card and Police Check if you have questions about this the Parish Office will be happy to discuss this with you.
LECTORS At Sunday Mass and weekday Masses members of the congregation can participate in the liturgy by proclaiming the first or second reading and the Psalm. If you would like to be a Lector in the Parish please contact the Parish Office.
PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION At Sunday and weekday Masses a member of the congregation leads the Prayers of Intercession.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Some parishioners are commissioned to be Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to assist Monsignor Meneely or visiting clergy during the reception of Holy Communion. Ministers are provided with initial and ongoing formation for this ministry.
ALTAR SERVERS Parishioners who have celebrated the sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist are invited to participate in the liturgy through serving at the altar. If you wish to assist in this way at Mass please contact Monsignor Meneely.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK Parishioners of St Luke’s Parish also take Holy Communion to members of the community who are not well enough to make it to regular Masses. These volunteers visit members of our community on a weekly basis.